Momentos do nosso fim de semana: Da quinta para a cidade
Este fim de semana foi dedicado a uma das grandes paixões da nossa "menina crescida": os animais.
Os "cãezinhos"continuam a ocupar o primeiro lugar, mas há espaço para todos.
Com a Festa Continente, de ontem, não deixamos escapar a oportunidade de ver de perto vacas, porcos, perus, galos, cabras, galinhas e pintainhos, sem esquecer os coelhos. Foi uma manhã animada e cheia de actividades.
Mas este fim de semana não ficou por aqui... Desde que lemos "Princesa Poppy: o Pónei Brilhante", a vontade de ver póneis e "cavalinhos", de perto, tem vindo a crescer. Assim rumamos à I Feira do Cavalo de Lisboa, em Santos. Ainda não foi desta que a Alice conseguiu passear num pónei como o "Brilhante", mas gostou de ver os cavalos.
O Afonso ainda não vibra com estes passeios, mas tirar chapéus da cabeça é uma verdadeira arte para ele e na Feira do Cavalo conseguiu livrar-se do seu panamá sem deixar rasto...
Como é convosco? Os mais pequenos também adoram animais?
(Scroll down for english)
This weekend was dedicated to one thing that our "grown up girl" really loves: Animals!!
Puppies take the most of her heart, but there's still plenty of room for all the others.
Yesterday, we didn't miss the opportunity to go to the Continente Festival and we're able to see cows, pigs, turkeys, roosters, goats, hens and their chicks, and last but not least, rabbits. It was a funny and busy morning.
Going on to sunday... Since we've read "Princess Poppy - Twinkletoes", Alice has grown very fond of ponies and horses. We decided to go to the I Feira do Cavalo de Lisboa (Lisboa's I Horse Fair).
She didn't got to ride a pony like Twinkletoes, but she enjoyed every moment as the horses and their riders went by.
Our baby Afonso didn't get much excited with these visits, but on the other hand he's a true expert as a sun hat taker (his own, of course)... At the Horse Fair, he was able to get rid of his sun hat, without a trace.
Puppies take the most of her heart, but there's still plenty of room for all the others.
Yesterday, we didn't miss the opportunity to go to the Continente Festival and we're able to see cows, pigs, turkeys, roosters, goats, hens and their chicks, and last but not least, rabbits. It was a funny and busy morning.
Going on to sunday... Since we've read "Princess Poppy - Twinkletoes", Alice has grown very fond of ponies and horses. We decided to go to the I Feira do Cavalo de Lisboa (Lisboa's I Horse Fair).
She didn't got to ride a pony like Twinkletoes, but she enjoyed every moment as the horses and their riders went by.
Our baby Afonso didn't get much excited with these visits, but on the other hand he's a true expert as a sun hat taker (his own, of course)... At the Horse Fair, he was able to get rid of his sun hat, without a trace.
Do your children love animals as well? Tell us all about it!!
Até já! See you soon!
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